24. James Harrison, Mortgages.ca

24. James Harrison, Mortgages.ca

Company: Mortgages.ca
Location: Ontario
Total volume: $116.5 million
Loans funded: 265

CMP: What was your primary strategy for growing your business in 2019?
James Harrison:
In 2019, my strategy for growth was to hire a new office manager to help day to day and screen calls and emails so I could focus on live deals and closings. This helped us create a process where clients had to complete an application and provide income documents prior to booking a call with me. I have also provided clients with a link to my calendar so they can book a time that works for both of us. Hiring a second fulfillment specialist helped me and my other assistant in document collection and review.

CMP: What’s your strategy to continue growing your business in 2020?
In 2020, we want our clients to continue following our process and conforming to the way we do things so we can serve them in the most efficient way. This will help us continue an extremely high level of service so they can experience the wow factor of working with us. If I can have each client refer one person, we can double our business.