Why social media post quality & consistency are important to your success

When used correctly, social media is giving search engine optimization (SEO) a solid run for its money as the best traffic source for driving leads to your website and, ultimately, growing your business

Why social media post quality & consistency are important to your success
When used correctly, social media is giving search engine optimization (SEO) a solid run for its money as the best traffic source for driving leads to your website and, ultimately, growing your business.

While you can truly benefit from using both of these tools to boost your business, let’s focus on optimizing social media to create more leads.

One component that makes social media more attractive than SEO is that you can maintain more control over your success. You can always discover innovative ways of improving your strategy, as well as learn from both past mistakes and victories to build traffic in the future.

Among the best parts about using social media to drive more traffic to your website is that you also receive side benefits. For instance, being active on social media helps improve brand awareness, builds trust and loyalty, and it’s great for boosting engagement and managing customer service.

Stand out
The competition is fierce on social media, with numerous other mortgage professional profiles just like yours, sharing similar content and audiences.

The key, therefore, is to ensure your content stands out. First, stop making the conversation solely about rate. This is pretty much the only thing that mortgage consumers have been taught to ask about and, as you know, it’s not the most important part of the bigger mortgage picture.

Your social influence empowers you to educate potential clients and referral partners – and anyone else who wants to listen – about important aspects of the homebuying and mortgage financing processes that can help them save more of their hard-earned money. And they’ll forever be indebted to you for stretching their budgets further. Using calculations to demonstrate just how much savings potential they could benefit from is also a winning strategy.

Target your messaging to appeal to a broad range of borrowers by offering solutions to, and educating them on, common problems that they or someone else they know will likely be experiencing right now. This can include anything from tips on how to build a budget for homeownership or get out of debt to building your dream home or using a reverse mortgage to free up home equity.

Be a dependable source of news and analytics on a variety of social media platforms regarding central mortgage and homebuying topics by posting frequently and talking about current headlines – stating why you agree or disagree and backing up your opinions – and open up the conversation.

This will help secure your position as the mortgage financing expert and keep you top-of-mind when your social media followers, or people they know, are in the market for a mortgage.

Cindy Freiman is president and word wizard at Creative Soul Communications – a content creation company specializing in providing top-notch educational and thought-provoking pieces for businesses to share via social media, blogging, client communications, marketing and advertising. She can be reached at: www.creativesoulcommunications.ca; [email protected]; 905-431-1546.