Young Guns 2015

Meet the young up-and-comers who are making waves in the mortgage industry.

Young Guns 2015
WELCOME TO CMP’s annual Young Guns report. We asked you to nominate mortgage professionals aged 35 and younger who have already made a splash in the industry, and your suggestions came flooding in. It was a difficult task, but we’ve whittled the list down to 39 young people we think merit a mention for their achievements in the mortgage industry this year.

From young entrepreneurs who already own their own brokerages to originators whose success has made them mentors to their peers, all of the young men and women on this list have proven themselves exceptional. Despite their youth, many of them are among the top producers in their groups, racking up tens of millions of dollars in sales volume. In a time when rapid change demands fresh ideas and new perspectives, these are the young mortgage professionals who hold the future of the industry in their hands.