Funny Friday: Swap an iPhone, get a home

Detroit’s tanking real estate market has been well documented but this may be a new low, as one eager seller has offered his home in the Motor City in exchange for the new iPhone 6.

Detroit’s tanking real estate market has been well documented but this may be a new low, as one eager seller has offered his home in the Motor City in exchange for the new iPhone 6.

"I had it listed for four months. There was no interest at all,” the seller’s real estate agent, Larry Else told the CBC on its program, As it Happens. “Then the seller said, 'I've had it listed for $5,000. We've dropped it down to $3,000. And we still don't have any activity. What can I do?'"

The seller was offered an iPhone 5 for the house, which he turned down. Though not before making an open counter offer to any interested buyer.

"Well...I would be willing to take an iPhone 6," the seller told his Realtor.

The home was originally bought in 2010 for $40,000 but back taxes, disrepair and, of course, the weak Detroit market have made the sale almost impossible.

The story has made the rounds across the world and one inspired European man donated an iPhone 6 to the seller.
As for the house? It’s finally been sold.

“He's getting his iPhone 6, and he sold his house for cash," Else told the CBC.